Cultures for Lancashire

The Gornall method of traditional Lancashire cheese making can work well with DuPont Choozit MA cheese starter cultures.  Both vegetarian and animal rennet may be used as coagulant.  Lancashire can be made in to truckles, and coated with cheese wax.

MA Acidifying Mesophilic cultures

Freeze-dried mesophilic culture for the direct inoculation of milk. Each MA mesophilic starter culture contains acidifying strains making them suitable for a range of cheese types and other fermented dairy products making it a versatile cheese culture for much more than just the cheese making process.

MA 4001/2 also contain flavour and gas producing strains and are phage alternatives of one another.

MA11/14/16/19 are phage alternatives.

Name Info Pack Size Price Min Order Quantity
MA 11 LYO More info125 DCU£18.85-
MA 14 LYO More info50 DCU£17.241
MA 14 LYO More info125 DCU£18.85-
MA 16 LYO More info125 DCU£18.85-
MA 19 LYO More info125 DCU£18.85-
MA 4001 LYO More info5 DCU£9.03-
MA 4001 LYO More info25 DCU£25.05-
MA 4002 LYO More info5 DCU£9.03-
MA 4002 LYO More info25 DCU£25.05-